Our partners in metal cleaning

We rely on a network of trusted partners to make sure you get the results you want from your parts cleaning, and in the most responsible way.


Product Suppliers

The quality of the products is essential to the cleaning process. Therefore, we collaborate with product suppliers that focus on quality – in products, services, and business in general. We provide high-quality solvents manufactured by leading chemical producers such as Olin and Dow.


Because every business is time-critical, we maintain a broad European network of reliable local distribution partners with industry-leading competencies. Each of our partners offers you:

  • quick, reliable, legally compliant delivery service
  • professional consulting and support during the purchase of cleaning machines
  • qualified personnel
  • waste-management service with waste removal documents on request

We encourage all our distribution partners to commit to Responsible Care® and the European Single Assessment Document (ESAD) initiative.

Find your distribution partner in:

OEM Partners

Great cleaning results are a combination of fine-tuned cleaning chemicals and high-quality cleaning equipment. We work hand in hand with worldwide leaders in cleaning equipment manufacturing to help you realize the best possible, sustainable metal cleaning results.


The OEMs we partner with are:


Oil Producers

Before oil becomes the main contaminant you need to remove from your products, it is a production-critical processing fluid. To be your ideal partner for safe and sustainable metal cleaning, we collaborate with major oil producers. We constantly share our knowledge with them to improve our products and services for you. The result of such collaboration is a more reliable process: processing fluids with better behaviour in cleaning, as well as a stronger cleaning process enabling you to handle a broader variety of processing fluids.

Waste Managers

We are committed to creating a more sustainable future for metal cleaning. Therefore, we have been applying the principles of the Circular Economy since our foundation in 1992. When you partner with SAFECHEM, you can benefit from our renowned SAFE-TAINER™ System, in which we deliver your solvents for safe transportation.

Have you ever wondered what happens to the solvent after the cleaning process? Our waste manager partners collect the used solvent in the SAFE-TAINER™ System and measure the amount of solvent in the residue. If there is sufficient solvent in it, the collected residue is sent to a professional recycler who will then extract it and prepare the solvent for another life cycle.

Additional Stakeholders

We pursue safe and sustainable use of chemicals. For this reason, we collaborate closely with various stakeholders, especially associations and authorities. We are passionate about sharing our story with those stakeholders, learning about important trends in various industries, and identifying opportunities for our SAFECHEM know-how to help improve the use of chemicals in terms of safety and sustainability.

The stakeholders we are involved with include: The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the German Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and the European Association of Chemical Distributors (FECC), to name just a few.